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Governance and Regulations
APAN Information Brief - Issue 1, 2024: How should we tackle the Loss and Damage Fund?
This APAN Information Brief highlights the outcomes and recommendations gathered from the webinar, “Tackling the Loss and Damage Fund: Dialogue on the Funds operationalization, challenges and opportunities,” held on 19 March 2024, aimed to enhance adaptation practitioners’ understanding of the Loss and Damage Fund as a new finance mechanism. The webinar initiated a dialogue on strategic actions necessary to enhance the Fund’s impact in the region. The session identified actionable steps for Asia-Pacific countries and stakeholders on tackling the Loss and Damage Fund ahead of COP29. The webinar was organised and hosted by the UNEP- Asia Pacific Adaptation Network (APAN), UNFCCC Regional Collaboration Center for Asia and the Pacific (UNFCCC – RCC) and Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Program (SPREP).
Cross-Cutting Themes
Resilience for All: Enabling Transformative Implementation - 8th Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum: Summary Report
Coming out from the forum outcomes, this publication offers recommendations, pathways and entry points for policy makers, academics, research organisations, non-government organisations, private sector, funding institutions and global and regional negotiations on developing strategies and approaches to achieve transformative adaptation within the Asia-Pacific region. This publication encapsulates the summary and key messages of the 8th Asia Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum (APAN Forum) held in Songdo, Incheon City, Republic of Korea from 28 August to 1 September 2023.
Agriculture and Water
Solar-powered lift irrigation in Gangri, Bhutan
The Department of Agriculture, Royal Government of Bhutan (RGoB) and ICIMOD’s Renewable Energy Intervention jointly implemented the solar powered lift irrigation pilot project to improve water security and agricultural productivity in Gangri village. A 16kWp solar powered lift irrigation system was installed to irrigate 36 acres, benefiting 117 people.
Cross-Cutting Themes
A Pacific community resilience framework: Exploring a holistic perspective through a strengths-based approach and systems thinking
Abstract: The impacts of climate change in the Pacific and worldwide have prompted researchers and practitioners to find ways to define, assess and support community resilience. This paper presents a community resilience framework to help meet this challenge. While traditional framings of resilience in scholarship are often based on deficit models that focus on vulnerability and gaps, this framework draws on strengths-based principles and systems thinking approaches to support a holistic and integrated perspective of community resilience. Pacific community resilience literature underpins the framework, which values and prioritises diverse community insights to support locally defined pathways towards adaptation and resilience building. We offer examples of future application of the framework in a range of contexts such as research, programme design, strategic policy, programme implementation or evaluation.
Governance and Regulations
Could the law of the sea be used to protect small island states from climate change?
Climate change will wreak havoc on small island developing states in the Pacific and elsewhere. Some will be swamped by rising seas. These communities also face more extreme weather, increasingly acidic oceans, coral bleaching and harm to fisheries. Food supplies, human health and livelihoods are at risk. And it’s clear other countries burning fossil fuels are largely to blame.
Just Energy Transitions
Synchronizing Energy Transitions Towards Possible Net-Zero for India
Prepared by the Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, this report attempts to answer key questions related to India’s energy trajectory such as how much energy does India need to achieve the high value of Human Development Index (HDI); what are pathways to achieve this; what are the energy mix projections for this until 2070 (our declared net-zero target year); what would be the cost of electricity to the end user; what would be the carbon emissions until 2070; what would be the investments required for energy transitions towards net-zero at 2070; estimation of other challenges and opportunities (RE integration, the requirement of critical minerals, Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage (CCUS), natural gas, ethanol, hydrogen) in energy transitions towards achieving net-zero in 2070. Supported by: Office of the Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India and Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd.
Heat stress causes lower fertility, productivity and reduced cognitive capacity: Project HeatSafe
Led by Lead Principal Investigator Associate Professor Jason Lee, Deputy Director of the Human Potential Translational Research Programme (HPTRP), and Director of the Heat Resilience and Performance Centre at the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore (NUS Medicine), Project HeatSafe is the first large-scale study in Singapore and the region aimed at investigating the impact of rising heat levels on the health, productivity and well-being of occupational workers in tropical climates such as Singapore, on an individual level, as well as the impact of heat stress on a macroeconomic and national level.
Governance and Regulations
Youth and Climate Governance in Asia and the Pacific: A Compendium of Best Practices
YECAP, in collaboration with UNFCCC's Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE), launched the Compendium of Best Practices on Youth and Climate Governance in Asia and the Pacific at the 79th ESCAP Commission Session and the Asia-Pacific Climate Week 2023. The Compendium highlights 15 best practices of meaningful youth engagement in climate governance at international, national, sub-national and local levels. The Compendium aims to celebrate successful government-youth partnerships, foster South-South knowledge exchange, and inspire enhanced action from governments to include youth in decision-making processes and policies in the Asia-Pacific region.
IPCC 6th Assessment Report, Chapter 7: Health, Wellbeing and the Changing Structure of Communities
Governance and Regulations
The Future of Nationality in the Pacific
If the impacts of climate change drive people from their homes, what happens to their relationship with their home country? This groundbreaking report provides the first in-depth look at the legal risks of statelessness and nationality loss in the Pacific as climate change hits. The Future of Nationality in the Pacific: Preventing Statelessness and Nationality Loss in the context of Climate Change was published on 17 May 2022 by three partnering institutions – the Peter McMullin Centre on Statelessness at the University of Melbourne, the Kaldor Centre for International Refugee Law at the University of New South Wales, and the University of Technology Sydney.
Governance and Regulations
Climate Change and Democracy - Insights from Asia and the Pacific
This Report focuses on democracy and the climate crisis in the Asia and the Pacific region. A regional approach based on case studies has been chosen to contextualize the challenges to democracy arising from this crisis. The Asia and the Pacific region is significant for several reasons—it is the most populous in the world; it is a region that will be disproportionately affected by climate change and where many countries are considered highly vulnerable; and, as this Report makes clear, it is also a place where there have been vibrant innovations to democratic institutions and practices for dealing with the climate crisis.
Inception Workshop 2023
Inception Workshop Bangkok 2023 Summary Report
Summary of the outcomes of the INPACC Inception Workshop held in Bangkok in November 2023.
Inception Workshop 2023
Inception Workshop Illustrations
We were pleased to have the talented illustrators from Tofu Creatives attend our Inception Workshop and capture the discussions in graphic form.
Just Energy Transitions
Energy Research & Vision
INPACC Inception Workshop 2023
Just Energy Transitions
INPACC Inception Workshop 2023
Climate Change & Health: Priorities Areas in Malaysia
INPACC Inception Workshop 2023
Initiatives for Addressing Health Risks of Climate Change in South Asia
INPACC Inception Workshop 2023
Heat Health
INPACC Inception Workshop 2023
Governance and Regulations
Online Modules for Malaysian Youth: Methods, Teaching and Learning Experiences
INPACC Inception Workshop 2023
Inception Workshop 2023
Climate Change Governance and Regulations: Challenges and Initiatives
INPACC Inception Workshop 2023
Cross-Cutting Themes
GEDSI and Climate Change
INPACC Inception Workshop 2023
Cross-Cutting Themes
Disaster risk reduction and climate change in planning and designing economic infrastructure in Southeast Asia
INPACC Inception Workshop 2023
Cross-Cutting Themes
Climate (adaptation) finance in the Indo Pacific
INPACC Inception Workshop 2023
Cross-Cutting Themes
Climate change risks and adaptation in urban settlements
INPACC Inception Workshop 2023
Agriculture and Water
Lomani Gau: Community Based Climate Change Adaptation for Gau Island
INPACC Inception Workshop 2023
Agriculture and Water
Science-based Solutions to Climate Change Adaptation
INPACC Inception Workshop 2023
Agriculture and Water
The Nishi Journey
INPACC Inception Workshop 2023